According to a new report from Greenpeace, private jet emissions have more than doubled in Europe over the past three years.

The study, conducted by Dutch environmental consultancy CE Delft and commissioned by Greenpeace, found that private flights produced a total of 5.3 million metric tons of carbon emissions between 2020 and 2022.

This represents a significant increase compared to previous years, with CO2 emissions more than doubling during the same period.

The report highlights that private jet flights have increased significantly across the surveyed countries, with nearly 573,000 flights recorded in 2022 alone.

The top three offenders were the UK, France, and Germany which recorded the highest number of carbon emissions from private flights in 2022.

The UK saw 90,256 private flights last year, emitting over 500,000 metric tons of CO2—the equivalent of a private flight taking off every six minutes.

Greenpeace is calling for governments and the EU to ban private jets and short-haul flights where a reasonable train connection already exists.

The group argues that curbing emissions from aviation is vital to tackling climate change, as the sector accounts for over 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

airplanes and sky

Despite the availability of alternative modes of transportation, such as high-speed trains, private jets remain the preferred mode of travel for many individuals.

The report identified Paris-London as the busiest private jet route in Europe, with an average of nine voyages per day.

Despite the availability of a direct train connection between the two cities, private jets remained the preferred mode of travel for many individuals.

Greenpeace’s findings support the need for urgent action, as private aviation emissions continue to soar across Europe.

The group’s call for a ban on private jets and short-haul flights could serve as a crucial step towards more sustainable forms of transportation.

To address this problem, Greenpeace has suggested that governments should promote alternative methods of transport to reduce the dependence on private jets.

For instance, some routes could easily be covered by high-speed trains, which emit significantly less carbon than planes.

Additionally, encouraging people to take shorter trips or opt for teleconferencing instead of traveling could greatly reduce their carbon footprint.

picture of a fast train in the station

The aviation industry has taken some steps to address its environmental impact, including the use of biofuels and the development of electric planes.

However, these measures alone will not be enough to tackle the private jet emissions, and a broader shift towards greener modes of transportation is needed.

In conclusion, Greenpeace’s report highlights the alarming increase in private aviation emissions in Europe and the urgent need for action to curb them.

While a complete ban on private jets may not be feasible, promoting alternative modes of transport and encouraging responsible behavior among wealthy individuals are essential steps towards a more sustainable future.